Gallery girlysteel Stone screens Mimosa flowers #landscapedesign #steelsculptures # Limestone 'gem' Calder Reeds in the prairie #landscapedesign #stee Instagram post 18371439940129026 Is it spring? The crows are confused. #landscapede Cleaning the studio today, not fun at all. The cranes have returned #landscapedesign #steelsc Dragonflies in flight #landscapedesign #steelsculp Ultramarine blue in the prairie #landscapedesign # White caps #landscapedesign #steelsculptures #art The Big Wave #landscapedesign #steelsculptures #ar Windy and warm today, good day for creating. #land The Atomics #landscapedesign #steelsculptures #art The Prairie Smoke collecting leaves We are in Highland IL, just east of St Louis for t We are in Highland IL, just east of St Louis for t Thistle. Heading out to Highland Illinois for Art Dandelion seed #landscapedesign #steelsculptures # Stone screen, 2'x 6' Load More… Follow on Instagram